Λένε, ότι στα παιδιά σου πρέπει να αφήνεις ρίζες  για να κρατηθούν και φτερά για να πετάξουν. Μεγάλωσα πια…. Μαμά, οι ρίζες μου είναι ρηχές, δε με κρατάνε… Μπαμπά, τα φτερά μου είναι μικρά και μαδημένα, δε μπορώ να πετάξω… Κι έτσι έμεινα εδώ, σε ένα δικό μου καθαρτήριο, χωρίς να έχω κάπου να στηριχτώ,…

The sea is calm, the water’s clear. A gentle breeze embraces your senses. Dark blue horizons wreathed with red sunsets, invite you to a feast of colours. The constant flowing mouvement of the sea, combined with the restlessness of the deep underwater currents, set my mind in motion. It is impossible to ignore the dazzling…

Stars play hide and seek tonight behind the clouds. The moon dressed in a thin translucent veil watches silently. A light whisper coming from the trembling tree leaves caresses my ears. Time stands still and my thoughts linger in the air around me like short movie clips. You are framed by sunlight, as swirls of…

Σε ψάχνω συνεχώς στους στίχους, στις λέξεις,  σε κάθε γωνιά του μυαλού μου, σε κάθε χαραμάδα της ψυχής μου. Ο ήχος, το χρώμα της φωνής σου, ξεθωριασμένη ανάμνηση πια, τα λόγια σου όμως, δε μπορώ να τα λησμονήσω. Μου λείπεις…. Πολύ λίγο σε είχα, αλλά συνδέθηκα μαζί σου με έναν τρόπο μοναδικό. Ένα κομμάτι μου…

Κι αφού δε γνωριστήκαμε ποτέ, κι αφού τα μονοπάτια μας δε συναντήθηκαν, ας παραμείνουμε ανεκπλήρωτοι έρωτες. Χείμαρροι που έσβησαν την άνοιξη, άνθη που δεν άντεξαν τη μανία του ανέμου, πουλιά που δεν πέταξαν ποτές… 08/04/2016

The spring air is intoxicating. The sun gently warms your skin, a light breeze makes the tree leaves shiver and the flowers tremble, as the atmosphere fills with distinct scents of peony, freesia and carnation. The Seine flows lazily, the water shimmers and glows, reflecting playfully chestnut trees and willows on its’ mirrory surface. Fresh…

A random stranger once told me that no one is happy in their own country. I thought at the time that he was right. People have the tendency to fall in love with moments of happiness. Since most of your every day life takes place usually, at your home country, where do the memorable moments…

I go about my daily tasks mechanically,  never really concentrating completely since you distract me persistently. Your eyes pop to mind and i forget my desiganted task. Your crooked smile makes me smile to myself. Your words wake my chaotic mind from its’ quiet slumber. You appear in my glass of wine, reflecting my most…

Flickering candlelight, summer nights breeze, the city vibrates with rhythmic sounds. An old record player echoes in the backround, smoke rises from your mouth. Burgundy shaded wine in a bottle between us, fills the air with scents of matured grapes and earthy tones of oak. Lipstick stains on my glass, same colour as the wine,…

Cloaked in moonlight, I slip through the shadows trying to find pieces of me. I am made by the traces and bits left behind by the people of my life. My exterior is made of the ones who manipulated me, belittled me, took advantage of me.  These are the bits that made me stronger with…